Stuck for a late in the day Christmas present? Why not give a nourishing and supporting Shiatsu treatment to one you love 🧡💚💙❤️
Helpful in easing a frayed nervous system and re-connecting with the body. Contact [email protected] for details. It's fantastic to be able to practice and promote such a healing and vital part of being human! If you've been touch deprived since the pandemic began, Shiatsu can help to bring you back from the ruminating mind into the deep restful ground of the body... Call me on 07952640677 to arrange a convenient time....
Your good health! Greg ** UPDATE **
I am very happy to say I have now resumed giving Shiatsu treatments and am mitigating Covid19 risks by using PPE and following appropriate guidelines to ensure everyone's safety. If the last months have left you touch deprived, anxious or dealing with stressful situations, Shiatsu can offer an oasis of calm - a soothing balm to the mind, body and spirit. It can be so helpful in navigating these uncertain times. I am offering treatments from my Shiatsu space in Colerne, between Chippenham and Bath, overlooking the beautiful Bybrook Valley. Please contact me on 07952640677 or email [email protected] to arrange an appointment. WHAT TO EXPECT; * All surfaces are cleaned between clients and all sheets and cloths are changed. * Hand sanitiser is available for use on arrival. * Please wear a face mask when you arrive for your Shiatsu. * I will be wearing a face mask and visor for the duration of the treatment. * I am happy to support you in-between treatments by phone or email if this is required. * I will carry out a pre-treatment phone consultation for about 30 minutes to minimise contact time on the day of the treatment. * I will email you a client consent form and premises agreement form for you to read and sign prior to your visit. Please bring these to your Shiatsu session. * There is a designated door from the outside to my Shiatsu space. * My clinic room has a Mechanical Heat Ventilation System ensuring the room has a stream of fresh air from outside and "old air" is removed continuously, so you can be reassured that the room is well ventilated at all times. BEFORE ARRIVING, PLEASE CONSIDER; * Do you have a high temperature? * Have you had a recent onset of a new continuous cough? * Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell? * Are you currently self isolating or quarantining? If any of the answers above are YES please stay at home and reschedule your appointment. I am sad to say that I am not giving Shiatsu treatments from this point onwards given our current situation. So sad, as Shiatsu is wonderful for helping to calm and nourish frayed nerves and worried minds. I will be back offering treatments as soon as possible. Please take care, keep connected and nourish yourself in the ways that work for you.... Greg x February is Shiatsu Awareness Month... a wholly nourishing experience where you can sink into a blissful state of relaxation.... the perfect antidote for these stressful times.... [email protected] or call me on 07952640677 to arrange a reduced rate Shiatsu session (10% off) during the month of February.... 🙂 ![]() I took this photo of an old mole hill, a few years ago when the valley that I live in was covered in snow. I like the simplicity of this picture as it clearly demonstrates the concept of Yin and Yang, so central to my work as a Shiatsu practitioner. The light, sun bleached side of the small mound of snow shows heat, movement and light. Active and dynamic, it is in stark contrast to the Yin side, the shadow, cool, motionless and without light and movement, the darker aspect, the hidden, invisible. We can recognise these aspects in ourselves and in our lives, in the weather, our mood and the ever-changing kaleidoscope that is our health. Winter is the time for reflection, of hunkering down, eating warming stews and broths, of reading, resting and digesting. New year can often be a time of celebration and welcoming in the "new" and the promise of change and hope of fulfilment of dreams and desires. It's also about saying goodbye to the year just past and letting it go. This can sometimes be sad with an accompanying sense of loss....another year gone. One reason why personally I prefer a more reflective, quieter new year that honours and acknowledges what has gone before. I then like to focus on the present and the future during January as this is often a good time to affirm my ideas for the coming year and put plans in place. Whatever your thoughts for 2020 and beyond, I wish you a peaceful, activated and heart centred new year. I have some appointment slots at Chippenham Natural Health Centre on Tuesdays throughout January (with 10% off for first timers) and I also carry out home visits throughout the week. Contact me on 07952640677 or [email protected] if you would like to start 2020 with some comforting and grounding Shiatsu. Shiatsu is carried out on a comfortable floor futon and lasts an hour. A fully clothed treatment, it is relaxing and rejuvenating, through gentle stretches, joint rotations, pressure and holding. I work with you to bring life and energy back to neglected areas of the body. Especially effective for lower back pain, neck and shoulder tension, painful joints as well as stress and anxiety. Shiatsu is deeply relaxing and presses your reset button psychologically, emotionally and physically - helping you to manage difficult times as well as the day to day. To see what I mean - click here If you would like to buy a gift voucher for a special person, email or call me on 07952640677 Have you heard of Eco-Anxiety and Eco-Grief? For those of us who are feeling despondent and helpless about our environmental challenges, this may already strike a chord. It's a phenomena that is wholly unique and relatively new. At no other time in human history have we had to face such an existential threat to our individual and collective existence. Not only of humans, but of millions of other species we share this precious world with. The revised terms of climate emergency/global heating from climate change/global warming indicate a real sense of urgency and mirror the sixth mass extinction we are experiencing, the Anthropocene, where human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. As the reality of our situation on this planet becomes ever more evident, we are experiencing emotions such as rage, frustration, grief and deep sadness... at the loss of our biodiversity, ecosystems and the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. A loss that threatens the food we eat, the air we breathe and the natural safe spaces that nourish and heal us. You may be all too aware of your own responses to this burgeoning crisis or it may be creeping up in small ways, slowly impacting on your daily life and relationships, casting a heavy and uncomfortable shadow over all that you hold dear. If not, you may be aware of indifference and denial, a common response in the face of this crisis and a perfectly normal protective mechanism reaction. If you are struggling with the enormity of this, it is important to talk about your experience with like-minded souls and express/feel these difficult emotions. There is still much denial and cognitive dissonance around this issue, but slowly, we are waking up to a reality that demands drastic action, on the part of us all, as well as political and cultural systems and institutions. It is, in essence, a systemic problem. Failing this, the alternative? - a gut wrenching acceptance of a near term ending, an extinction... in whatever form that may take and the associated losses. The prospect of this is frightening. Other emotions such as anxiety, shame and guilt further muddy the waters. The Climate Psychology Alliance offer psychological and psychotherapeutic therapies for people who are struggling in these times and they themselves have noticed a marked increase in referrals on this very subject. The work of eco-philosopher Joanna Macy and her "Work that Reconnects" has proved helpful to thousands of people in providing a form of group work designed to foster the desire and ability to take part in the healing of our world, and each other. In my own practice as a bodyworker I have seen an increase in anxieties about the state of the Earth. Alongside talking openly to others, Shiatsu and other forms of bodywork can be beneficial in exploring your tensions, fears and holding patterns around this subject. The simple healing and grounding touch of Shiatsu can ease a frayed nervous system and encourage a calm resting in the here and now.... a peaceful antidote to worrying about an uncertain future and a reminder that we have a choice of response in these testing times. It is reassuring to know that there are sanctuaries to be found, in the physical world and within the depths of our minds and hearts. I invite you to seek out your safe spaces, the people that nourish you, the places that give you peace, the time to explore your heart and your bodily tensions, with a compassion and tender acceptance. Rage can activate and motivate. Direct that love and/or anger into action - in the world, in whatever form that works for you, whether as a model parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, neighbour or environmental activist! To speak your truth, to feel the pain, and remain vital and resolute in that action. I think us humans are very short-termist. Can we catapult ourselves 30, 70, 100, 700 years into the future? What conversations would we have with our descendants? Could we tell them sincerely we did our best in our short finite lives to ensure they could come into existence and live varied and exciting lives in a thriving natural world? How worthy an ancestor can we be to our family members not yet born? Sit on a cushion, listen to the wind in the trees, stretch, do Yoga, ball your eyes out, laugh like no one's listening, kick a ball, punch a pillow, climb a tree, visit the places between land and sea, be with your tribe, dance like you've lost your mind, drop the worry of what others think! Grieve! Get some blissful bodywork and get to know yourself. There is still much to be hopeful for..............look after yourself first and foremost, and ask yourself this question - What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life? I had a great day giving Shiatsu in my new canvas bell tent at Spirit Fest earlier this month.... the weather was perfect and I met some lovely people...
ContactTel: 07952640677
Email: [email protected] |